and high-tech

Presentation from company Burner & Combustion Equipment - BCE srl. at JSS Maxam-Chirchik

in April 2016

Modernization of the Boiler Systems in the Perspective to Save Natural Gas and Improve the Efficiency of the Entire System

At the end of April 2016 our specialists held a presentation of technological solutions for significant savings in gas and reducing NOx in combustion processes of the boilers at JSS Maxam-Chirchik. During the presentation a number of issues of technical specialists of the plant were discussed. In order to upgrade boiler system efficiency, save energy and improve environmental parameters it was proposed a project of modernization and automation of boiler systems at the plant.

The project involves not only the replacement of existing burners, but also the reconstruction of the front side of the boiler, where the burners are installed, as well as check of the entire system from air fan to fume stack. In particular, the check includes maintenance inspection of all boiler elements: evaporator, superheater, heater, steam drum, preheating system, seals, insulation, pipes, etc. Replacement or restoration of the boiler elements will be provided, if necessary.

One of our main targets is to increase the efficiency of the entire boiler system. This is achieved by reducing the residual oxygen at the outlet of the boiler. With the reduction of excess air at the inlet, the quantity of required fuel gas for steam production is also reducing. Accordingly it requires less natural gas to produce the same amount of steam.

Here is an example of fuel economy calculation for the boiler with 6 burners.

To produce 1 t/h of steam in the following conditions:

  • temperature 430°C
  • pressure 40 barg
  • feed water temperature 100°C
  • boiler efficiency 90%,
  • it is required 0.883 MW or 86.1 Nm3/h of fuel gas.

If we increase the boiler efficiency to 92% by reducing the residual oxygen, under otherwise equal conditions, it takes 84.2 Nm3/h of fuel gas for production of 1 t/h steam.

Fuel gas savings is 86.1 – 84.2 = 1.9 Nm3/h.

If the total steam flow is 75 t/h, then, considering full load of the boiler, the savings is 75 x 1.9 = 142 Nm3/h of fuel gas.

Suppose that the boiler is operated all the year under full load, the gas savings is 142 х 24 х 365 = 1 243 920 Nm3/h.

Highlights of the presentation: